Chinese market

The Productions Yari have organized many tours and various events such as "Canadian Jazz Experience in China 2009", "Quebec Evening at the Shanghai 2010 Expo" and "Celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relationship between the Canada and China at the National Centre for the Performing Arts of China".

Our reputation is well established in this country, for the quality of our performances and our collaboration strategy with Chinese representatives. For 6 years, we have developed important distribution and partners networks.

Our main partners:

  • 4 networks of diffusion
  • 23 presenters
  • 10 festivals
  • 8 production agencies
  • Sponsors: Air Canada, Longkou Jinying Musical Instruments, Aria Beijing Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
  • Government institutions: Embassy of the Canada in China, Quebec offices in Beijing and Shanghai, Chinese Embassy to the Canada and Tourisme Québec
  • Musical creation residence of Productions Yari in China: cooperation with the city of Xizhou and  the Yunnan  Xizhou Cultural Tourism Creative Park Co., Ltd

We offer:

  • Service consulting to organizations, companies, agencies, groups and artists in the performing arts who intend to develop their projects in China
  • Cultural exchange between the Canada and China projects
  • Production, co-production and production of shows and tours


  • 2006:  1st tour in China of the Yannick Rieu Trio with Simon Goubert

  • 2007: Promotional tour of the  album of Yannick Rieu "I Is Memory" including 13 shows and 3 master class

  • 2008: "Spectrum4" tour in China with 8 concerts, 2 master classes and recording DVD;  October- November, tour of China in 4 cities and one-month master class -residence at the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou

  • 2009: Two tours of the project "Canadian Jazz experience in China 2009" with "Ranee Lee Quintet" and "Yannick Rieu Spectrum" including 18 shows, 2 master class, 8 performances and 1 official reception organized by the Embassy of Canada and Quebec office in Beijing;  October, chinese festivals tour

  • 2010: Two tours in China with "Monica Freire Quartet" and "Yannick Rieu Quartet"; production of the "Quebec Evening" at the Universal Exposition in Shanghai; celebration of 40 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and China at the Chinese National Arts Center; 12 shows, 1 master class and 1 official reception organized by the Embassy of Canada and Quebec office in Beijing

  • 2011: Participation at the Shanghai Performing Arts fair and China Guangzhou International Performing Art Fair ;  10th tour in China including 9 performances with animations, 3 master class, reaching more than 12000 spectators

  • 2012: Market and public development from February 29 to March 13; Mission to China organized by the Ministry of the Culture of China and the Chinese Embassy in Canada from May 27 to June 6. Two tours in August and September for the " Love Story " and "La Vie En Rose" projects.






Yannick Rieu Quartet à l'Expo de Shanghai 2010   Yannick Rieu Quartet à L'Expo Shanghai 2010   Yannick Rieu Quartet  "Jazz Original"
Monica Freire Quartet à l'Expo de Shanghai 2010 Célébration les 40 ans de relation diplomatique entre le Canada et la Chine au NCPA 2010 Monica Freire Quartet à l'Expo de Shanghai 2010
Célébration les 40 ans de relation diplomatique entre le Canada et la Chine au NCPA 2010   Tournée 2011 Yannick Rieu Quartet  "Jazz Original"   Célébration les 40 ans de relation diplomatique entre le Canada et la Chine au NCPA 2010

Receptions of the Government of Canada and Quebec



Theatres of the tour 2011


Letters of support

The Ministry of Culture,Communications and Status of Women of Quebec (PDF version)

The Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (PDF version)

Embassy of Canada (PDF version)



Press Release (version PDF)

Brochure (version PDF)




Press Release (version PDF)

Brochure (version PDF)

Theatres of the tour 2016


© Yari Productions 2012